Have you ever wonder why God create us in such way that everyone is different each other but yet we still admit we are all the same?
I am ordinary person but i don't want to admit it coz I know i'm different from each other but I never feel great bout being me myself. I always see other people achieve success and the way they live. I see, They all get what they want although they absolutely say No..
I see people who have the gut to tell anything they want and they can think what is right for them.I see people who manage to overcome their weaknesses. I see people who already further away from waht I have. I see people who can attract people with their looks and intelligence. I see people who can create and think something different and the ideas are great to everybody.......
I want to be one of them but my instinct tells me to be all. However my body tells me that I cannot be all of them because I have my own limitation which my body can achieve. So which path should I follow? Being perfect is my dream but being just me is my limit. Since Iwas a kid I never think about my future.....Even now I still don't have one...People don't get along with me much coz i think i'm just weird person who want to be known.........I always pretend that I like something cruel and never ask for love...I pretend that I never want to be love and to love. Even with my parents I dont think I have the feeling. To God..........I'm just the servant but I still confuse with myself...........................
Saturday, May 30, 2009
yang menekan keyboard: Wan Joe aka BAGONG at 7:37 AM 0 just say da WORD
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Orang lama kata Melayu dulu...
- gagah perkasa tak takut pergi berperang
- rajin berusaha supaya diri maju
- segak dan boleh berjaya walau pakai baju Melayu
- belajo banyak bahasa tanpa rasa jemu mahupun tergugat..
- pakai tulisan jawi semua orang faham
Orang baru kata Melayu kini....
- gagah perkasa tak takut buat maksiat sana-sini
- rajin berusaha tapi untuk mintak subsidi
- segak tetapi tetap tak berjaya sebab selalu berlagak walaupun pakai baju melayu diorang pakai hari Jumaat / hari kawin/hari raye...
- baru belajo bahase English dah sibuk buat demonstrasi... tu pun subjek BM belom tentu gerenti A......
- Baco jawi pon tak reti.....
yang menekan keyboard: Wan Joe aka BAGONG at 12:17 AM 0 just say da WORD