Saturday, February 27, 2010


It's time for me to play....haha..
You have been in this game for years and comin,
It's time for me to rule this matter what i'm takin..
To me it's nothing, for you it is a destruction....
This because you cruel and i can't stand it...

You said you're the best but I don't believe it...
As far I know you're talking this shit..sell it to the others
I not worried what happen next, It just me & the others
You know you can't do it, but why you take it..
I hate to say but it worst that coming... I believe you cannot make it..

You gonna last for 7 years, it's a great game that comin,
I want you to see & feel it, the falls down of the good n evil..
The game is ending I want to see who won, judgement day is coming...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kentang Ki Pride Chi Cane

Salam mulut pembuka selera, Salam hati pembuka mata
Mulut berkata, banyak dusta, Hati berkata, Tiada siapa paham...
When we say, we lie and when we tell the truth, it not gonna be easy...

I always think that (not really..just a few days back) human are animals. I think there is a 'truth' when he( Darwin) categorized human as animals. Besides we are all mammals and this actually proving my point that we indeed are animal...
Human: 1. Brains : Animals
Human: 2. Learn : Animals
Human: 3. Instinctive : Animals
Human: 4.Exaggerate : Animals

And a lot more things that I can say but I think it is not appropriate. However, one thing that make us very different from those animals is the one gift that GOD AL-MIGHTY gave us...THE INTELLIGENCE (AKAL)...

This is the thing that we have and those animals doesn't. Which I'm very amazed and make me wonder why GOD give it to me and all of us humans. This 'akal' is what I think can make us advanced further a lot or make us return us backward depending on how we use it.

Humans as most of us say are part of nature but I think that doesn't make us natural. In opinion, human supposedly do not have all the natural part in them. This is because we have the 'akal'.. We are not bound to all nature laws but we are bound to the laws that GOD had created for us..

I'm sad when I see humans use their 'akal' in such a way that lead to the destruction of their life.. In a way that does not actually follow the nature..Organisms will do the adaptation so that they can survive and make sure that they generation does not parish.. But human; create war to destroy others..They called it competition...Bulllshit!!!!! For what?!

In animal kingdom, the male have the exaggerative traits that function to attract the female so that they can mate..But humans,..they women that have the exaggerative trait to attract the men...They wear tight shirt, spaghetti strap(betol ke ni?), tube, skirts, and the worst part; not wearing clothes at all..NAKED..hehe...Nice...Again; not following the order of nature..Female instead of male..Looks like we are far more worse than the animals...

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I always think that I'm the best,
there is no others but me,
I can defeat anybody that step on my way,
Beat them all like beating the snail...
But one think remembers me,, how small this world can be
I hear with my eyes, cannot define imaginary and real
I never thought this can be the end..the end for the cruel world and betrayal

I hate it/ to end like this
I hate it/ to lose in this
I hate it/ can't do it my way
There always a chance to survive..No matter what I do

When you come to me, showing the road
Road not taken, I can't risk myself...
You said it will be okay, the end is the one I'm lookin
Hell no I drop it and lie to you friends..
I lie, I cheat and stealing.
I know it is near, the scariest day of my life..

I hate it/ to end like this
I hate it/ to lose in this
I hate it/ can't do it my way
There always a chance to survive..No matter what I do

I only hope that one day we will meet
Maybe someday, No I don't know when...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Steps to lie..

Tips ni buleh dijadikan rujukan untuk sesiapa yang mahu berkecimpung dalam dunia peniupuan. Tidak la diketahui sama ada benda alah ni jadi ke tak. Tapi kalau jadi dan ko kene tangkap, pandai-pandai la ko tanggung sendiri.

1. Keep low profile; ini penting untuk mengelakkan orang tahu apa bende yang ko nak buat.

2. Penuhkan ilmu di dada; Haaa... jangan ingat nak tipu orang ko leh suke-suke je..Silap tipu, ko kene tipu balik...

3. Pandai buat U-turn; Ni bukan wat U-turn kat time ko tersalah lane kat tanjung agas nak patah balik g Melaka..Tapi kene pandai putar belit.. Sikit je..tapi tu lah, ilmu di dada tu penting.

3. Mesra; Buat baik brpada-pada, buat jahat selalu

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pernah aku tertanya-tanya kat kepala otak aku ni kenapa la aku nak jadik baik. Aku jadik baik pun bukannya orang paham dan diorang nak ape yang diorang rasa betol. Sememangnya aku rase konpius and menyesal sebab jadik orang baik ni. Tapi satu hari ni aku pun mengambil langkah drastik ni untuk menggunakan "label" baik yang orang yg kenal aku bagi kat aku untuk menutup perkara-perkara jahat yang aku dah buat dan sedang buat.

Banyak perkara yang dah hampir-hampir buat aku jadik cam setan daripada baik..Tapi ada satu peristiwa ni yang menjadi seperti OMPUTIH kata "turning point" adalah ketika aku seorang budak Form 2 di satu skolah di MUOR. Hari tu aku patut daftar something la kat bilik com dan patutnya sorang-sorang kene bawak satu paper yang mengandungi maklumat pasal diri aku. Jadik aku pon terlupa la nak bawak dan mase kelas aku kene panggil betol-betol plak Pen.HEM yg garang baba cam castard tu yang panggil. Aku ni sorang yg baik la ketika itu pegi sekolah pun pekai songkok........takut skit kt dia tu..

Jadik aku pon g la tau kat dia yang aku tak bawak kertas tu....Membo-membo aku yg lain tak bawak gak tapi nak jujur punye pasal aku sorang je gi tau..

Aku: Cikgu, mintak maap la cikgu saya tak bawak kertas tu...hehe..
HEP: Kepala otak ko berjambul tak bawak..Mana ko letak kepala otak ko? Kat lutut? orang dah pesan suruh bawak....

Macam tu la ku kene ngan dia..Masa tu aku rase cam nak hayun je tangan aku ni kat kepala dia tu...tapi rase hormat ni masih ada...Aku bior je...Membo-membo aku gelak-gelak gak..Aku tak cakap banyak..Aku maki je diorang..padan muke...

Tapi sejak dari hari tu pandangan aku terhadap perbuatan baik dah berubah dan pada aku hidup ni penuh dengan tipu-tipu yang tak senonoh...Buat baik ni adalah untuk akhirat dan buat jahat ni adalah dunia...Bukannya aku nak memisahkan antara dunia dan akhirat tapi ini lah aku rasa kenyataan bagi aku....

Dan aku jugak ada menganalisis beberapa tips yang biasanya orang buat kalo nak menipu....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kedai Kopi

Cerita kedai kopi..cerita kedai kopi
Tiada hakim tiada saksi cerita sensasi di kedai kopi....

Tu la sikit verse dari lagu malique,salam dan DJ fuzz yang aku rasa pada mulanya agak pelik dan tak bawak maksud apa-apa pun. Tapi bile dengor lebih dari dua tiga kali..(surah2 Quran tak dengor banyak2 plak...isyh2..YA ALLAH amponkanlah hamba-MU ni)..dapt aku simpol dan matikan kat sini perbezaan budaya sosial masyarakat MALAYU dan OMPUTIH ni memang banyak sangat...

Diaorang kalo pi teguk kopi mesti tengah-tengah bincang pasal masalah dunia, alam sekitar dan macam-macam lagi la walaupun masalah tu diorang yang cipta sendiri.. Tapi bila aku tengok sendiri la orang kampong kt tempat aku tu..time kopi je mesti dh takde keje lain dah..mesti tengah dok mengata orang tu, orang ni, silap-silap orang utan pon dia masok sekali....(aku pon sekali la gak ek sebab aku pon ada kt situ sekali..tapi aku perhati je la)..

Tapi yang bestnye kalo OMPUTIH ni kene kopi, They don't have anything as a solution..Tapi MALAYU kene kopi, macam-macam penyelesaian ada...baik,jahat,separa jahat,separa baik, dan yg sama waktu dengannya. Hebat sungguh...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Song for WHO..

1st verse:
When...I first time met you,
I know it's true, you are the one for me,
finally my dream has come true,
there is no other but you..

I try approaching you,
people say you and me are different,
but i don't want to underestimate you,
coz I know what i'm feelin when be with you..

I just want you to know..that i like you,
I just want you to know...that i care bout you,
you bring colors in me when i'm blue
and i really know girl it's you.

2nd verse:
Over the years we in this boat,
floating together not worried sinking in the ocean,
passing through the obstacles,
broken and stole, smashin and rockin
but finally bring back the piece missin.


3rd verse:
However there is a secret,
That is hard to accept,
But we must facing this together,
No matter how it ends,
I need you to be patient.

Final chorus:
My end is here,
lying on bed, waitin for death, counting time,
that's the secret i'm hiding,
from you coz I don't want you to be sad.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Ada seorang membo ni kesian sangat aku tengok dia.
Dia nangis,dia ketawa, dia muram, dia tenang...macam ada masalah.

Aku tanya la pe masalah dia.
Dia tak jawab, dia tuko topik, dia mengelak,dia menyanyi...macam ada masalah.

Bila dia tak jawab, aku bior lah dia macam tu.
Dia terus bercakap,dia terus berkata,dia banyak bunyik...macam ada masalah.

Bagaimanapun aku teros bertanya dan bertanya.
Dia cakap, dia komen, dia tenang, dia tuko topik...MEMANG BERMASALAH...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tujuan hidup

Dying easy, Living is hard.
When that things came across my mind,
I said that thing is a bullshit that playin'
All the game plan is not runnin smoothly
Facing the obstacles and ruin the course badly..

I need that...(in my mind)
I need that...(in my soul)
Then it become somethin new...
For me and the rest of the world, to investigate and put the right path on the opposite way.

Dying easy,Living is hard.
I dont care what you gonna tell me..
Coz I knew that myself is the one whose walking but not you,
I remember making you not you and that's why you hating me so much,
As the time passing by I'll let you know whats inside this heart..

I need that..(in my mind)
I need that..(in my soul)
Then it become somethin new
For me and the rest of the world, to investigate thus put right path on the opposite way.

Finally I can't understand
The purpose of this cruel world toward mankind,
Putting the wrongs unto the right
Making heavens using HELLLLLL........

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Modern warfare 2: Captain Price is alive...)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pelik sekali lagi

Bila lihat perkara pelik fikiran menjadi songsang..
Sebenarnya mata yang mengubah..fikiran memproses..hati beremosi..tindakan dipengaruhi..

Bila lihat perkara pelik,
hamba dekat kepada tuan....itu yang berlaku...
hamba patut dekat pada tuhan..
tuhan jadi perbalahan..tapi datang semua dari DIA...
Mana datang itu semua?

Bila lihat perkara pelik, semua jadi tak menentu..
I believe in GOD...Mana amalannya?
I believe in HEAVEn..wat tak tau pegi HELl..
Aku percaya takdir...But you change against your own will...
Aku percaya The bOOks..baca-baca habis tak continue-continue
Ilmu diperoleh simpan dalam kocek..
Buat pekasam sampai mati...

Bila lihat perkara pelik..
Panggil orang TV, buat show free..
Bukan dari diri..Diri sendiri tak sedar diri...
Angkat baldi pecah lubang keluar air...
Basahkan bumi yang sedia banjir..
Ubahkan hati,ubah kan minda,
Jadi khalifah tadbir bumi suci..
Lebar kawasan tapi jalur lebar ditandingi 3G.......

Monday, January 11, 2010

Perkara pelik

Semua perkara pelik menjadi satu inspirasi..
Pelik tapi benar, semua boleh terjadi...
Benar bila berkata, pelik bila berdusta...
Satu impian manusia.....continued

Friday, January 8, 2010


Sakit bila orang tak hargai diri,
Namun pe bleh ku buat,
Sakit sendiri wa tanggung sendiri..

Gembira, gumbira, gimbira,
lama-lama jadi gila
semua ayat jadi satu dalam hancus lebur
penyakit mati tiada ubati tapi kopi bleh putih jadi.

Keliru, banyak sangat bunyi,
kata sana,kata sini...
memaki-maki tidak juga sedar diri
silap bunyi, jatuh kemaluan diri...

Pelik tapi benar,
suara orang besar hilang dalam angin,
angin balik membawa khabar
gembira, sedih, keliru.....