I always think that I'm the best,
there is no others but me,
I can defeat anybody that step on my way,
Beat them all like beating the snail...
But one think remembers me,, how small this world can be
I hear with my eyes, cannot define imaginary and real
I never thought this can be the end..the end for the cruel world and betrayal
I hate it/ to end like this
I hate it/ to lose in this
I hate it/ can't do it my way
There always a chance to survive..No matter what I do
When you come to me, showing the road
Road not taken, I can't risk myself...
You said it will be okay, the end is the one I'm lookin
Hell no I drop it and lie to you friends..
I lie, I cheat and stealing.
I know it is near, the scariest day of my life..
I hate it/ to end like this
I hate it/ to lose in this
I hate it/ can't do it my way
There always a chance to survive..No matter what I do
I only hope that one day we will meet
Maybe someday, No I don't know when...
The reason why I keep going.
9 years ago
0 just say da WORD:
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